Architecture & art


In 1995, our father initiated the construction of the new cellar building in Magrè. The primary emphasis was on eco-conscious construction practices, utilising materials aligned with building biology principles and renewable energy sources. Thanks to its vertical cellar system with a 14-metre-high pressing tower, the grapes, must and wine can be processed gently, largely without the use of pumps. In the cellar, the limestone rock was drilled out to create an underground space with optimum natural temperature and humidity levels. From both an architectural and an ecological perspective, this structure set a pioneering standard in Alto Adige.

Facts about the construction 1995(PDF)

Today, we are exploring ways to use natural energy sources more efficiently and effectively. Additionally, we’re in the process of adapting our office and cellar spaces to align with contemporary work practices.


Over the years, we’ve invited artists to find inspiration within the premises of our winery, resulting in four artworks that enrich our winery experience. It is exciting to see how the works of art combine outdoor and indoor spaces, nature and the winery.

Ninna-nanna per barriques e archi, artist: Mario Airò
Von der Sehnsucht im Einklang mit der Natur zu leben, artist: Christian Philipp Müller
Bienenhaus, artists: Carsten Höller and Rosemarie Trockel
Astral Maps, artist: Matt Mullican

The four works of art (PDF)