Voices from the winery

Alois Lageder

LÖWENGANG Chardonnay made us realize that another step upward is always possible; and this awareness continues to exist today in our winery. We should humbly accept what has been achieved and try to become even better. LÖWENGANG INEDITO II stands for this endeavour.

Helena Lageder

For me, this wine is so special because it is bringing back many memories. LÖWENGANG INEDITO II is the link between the old and the emergence of something new. LÖWENGANG Chardonnay tells stories, which we are now trying to carry into the future and perhaps also inspire one or two new customers. The wine expresses freshness and liveliness, at the same time it is incredibly intense and complex.

Jo Pfisterer

As an oenologist, it is for me a wonderful experience not to be under any time pressure and to let not only the wine, but also my thoughts mature. For LÖWENGANG INEDITO II we were repeatedly able to taste different parcels and vintages of the LÖWENGANG Chardonnay – a bit like browsing a library. The moment when you finally put together various vintages with completely different characteristics is an unforgettable surprise, realizing that 1 + 1 can often make 3.


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Fun Facts

There are facts about LÖWENGANG Chardonnay that are perhaps not known to everyone.


LÖWENGANG Chardonnay stands for the history of our winery and at the same time for our family’s history.